Something beautiful to lean into this winter. Nourishing delicious dinner at home on a regular basis.

Packed to reheat and share.

February Dinner Series

♥ Our most popular order, Dinner for Two. A la carte and extra portions will be made available week by week.



To Cambridge, Ma 02138 thru 02140

This is a pilot program, specific to the above area for the month of February.
Pay once for service all month!

We hope to expand our range in future.


2 in stock


Ratatouille // berbere cauliflower

Roasted Carrots // coconut labneh

Fried Baby Potatoes

Arugula // lemon dressing

Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookies


Vegetable Pot Pie

Tomato Cashew Soup

Kale Salad // ‘buttermilk’ / pepitas

Beets // basil / cider vinaigrette

Chocolate Layer Cake


Walnut Meat Tacos

Vegetable Fried Rice

Broccolini // salsa macha

Tortilla Soup

Wedding Cookies


Cauliflower Fritters // salsa verde

Lemon Pilaf // pine nuts

Chop Salad

Creamy Chickpeas

Lemon Poppy Cupcakes

Please alert us of any food allergies before ordering. Our cooking is always free of animal products.